This video series will show you the steps needed to make a very basic first level of PacMan using the Game Maker software. you will be able to make this game using the free version of the software available from There’s some simple corrections made in the game so be careful to follow all steps. You can view the videos in full screen mode. The following basics are covered: creating sprites, creating rooms, creating objects, adding events and actions, basic movement, collision checking, eating food, scoring, instance checking and moving to the next room. Hopefully you can follow this to make your own game.
Here’s the steps needed:
(If you have any problems feel free to drop me a comment)
1. Making a sprite for when pacman is moving left
2. Making pacman right sprite
3. Make pacman down sprite (used for down movement)
4. Make pacman up sprite (basically duplicating and mirroring the down sprite)
5. Making a new room in game maker to place your objects in
6. Creating basic movements up, down, left and right for pacman and drawing the pacman object into a room
7. Using collision event in pacman to make pacman stop when he hits a wall
8. Making food disappear when pacman collides with the food object
9. Adding a sound in gamemaker to play when pacman eats the food object
10. Checking the instance count of pacman to ensure that the game moves on to the next level when pacman eats the last piece of food. This also includes adding score to pacman every time he eats a food object. This is the last one in the series and should allow you to make a simple pacman game from start to finish if you follow the tutorials step by step. Please drop me a comment if you have any feedback. Thanks for watching!
Video created using CamStudio. Hopefully the quality is fine and tutorial is easy to follow if you use the pause button throughout.
Post originally created in 2012.