What are methods?
Methods are actions that can be performed on objects. Some of the methods associated with the string object that is built into the javascript programming language are: to LowerCase() and toUpperCase() which are used to change the characters in a string object to either all lower case letters or all CAPITAL letters.
An easy example might be to think of a football as an object and the associated methods would be to inflate or deflate. In this case the football is the object and inflate and deflate are methods associated with that object.
An example of using the Math object is shown below:
In this example we use the math object and the round method to round the number up to the nearest whole number
Here is the result:and the code for this page is shown below:
Remember when you are using an object in your webpage you need to use the script identifiers as above.
For the assignment you need to explain what a method is and show and example.